
Catalunya Ecodesign Awards trophy

We designed the trophy for the Catalan Ecodesign Awards 2019. It's produced with recycled aluminium and represents the circular economy diagram, also known as the Butterfly Diagram.


Design of a trophy using recycled aluminium



Project: Catalunya Ecodesign Awards trophy
Client: Catalan Waste Agency
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2019
Materials: Recycled aluminium
Keywords: Product design, production management



WHY? The Catalan Waste Agency (Agència de Residus de Catalunya) asked us to develop a series of workshops to teach design students about circular design. One of the briefings presented to the students was to design the trophy for the Catalan Ecodesign Awards. We were in charge of the design and development of the chosen concept for the trophy, designed by students of UPC Vilanova.



WHAT? We made the concept real, from some more sketches to 3D, technical development, suppliers and production. It's produced with recycled aluminium and represents the circular economy diagram, also known as the Butterfly Diagram. 

HOW? We bought aluminium scrap from CNC cutting industries and of our supplier did the casting in a mould they developed. They assembled the two parts of the trophy once the main one was the logo was carved.