
Make it circular!

We are experts in designing under circular economy principles, we have been applying them since our beginnings. The ARC asked us to develop a workshop for design professionals to teach how to implement circular economy into their practices.


Teaching designers towards circular economy



Project: Make it Circular!
Client: Agència de Residus de Catalunya
Location: Barcelona (Spain)
Year: 2019
Materials: Ellen MacArthur Foundation resources, post-its
Keywords: Circular economy, design professionals



WHY? The global environmental problems we face today are largely the result of human overexploitation of natural resources.

Now, more than ever, circular economy principles need to be implemented in every sector. Designers have a lot to say in this, they call the shots during the conceiving processes of products and thus, they occupy an important role.

We are experts in designing under circular economy principles, we have been applying them since our beginnings. The ARC asked us to develop a workshop for design professionals to teach how to implement circular economy into their practices.




WHAT? Make it circular! is a workshop about design for the circular economy. During the workshop participants learnt how to apply eco-design principles into real products and services. We taught them how to improve their environmental impact from the materials sourcing to the end of life.

HOW? Using Ellen MacArthur Foundation resources we developed made to measure exercises. We divided participants into groups and propose to each group a real product/service in which to implement circular economy strategies.